Covid Britannia


In believing government and right wing rag lies

their supporters will risk their lives.

They‘ll throw the dice for others,

they'll laugh and deride

- our concern.

And lash out at our questions. 

Hackles raised at the mere suggestion

that, perhaps,

- you know, if you look at the facts,

The response government claims is science driven,

has made things worse that it could have otherwise been,

so deserves criticism. 

But, - that they can be told the death toll, how many lost.

That they can learn government, despite reminders and warnings chose not to, order crucial equipment for stockpile.

Not a single gown, no swabs, no bloody body bags

That they can be informed of five cobra meetings missed,

that his going on holiday can be dismissed,

that they can hear how they fiddle the figures, 

count each individual glove,

that they can look at our numbers and not demand answers,- I say with love,

is the death of critical thinking; 

- a function now utterly disabled in government supporters after years of manipulation

Now, they'll swallow anything their government will say.

Their minds further dulled by  echo chambers,

more incurious every day. 

And - at a moment's notice,

as a bonus,

can be be gaslit into a paranoid overdrive.

Sceptical of every critical voice.

No trust in the word of anyone beyond their tribe.

They are the perfect weapon.

Keeping government hands seemingly clean

in their crackdown on freedom of expression. 

loyalty, that can be whipped into a frenzy of incredulous fury,

unleashed on government critics .

Leave them to the jeering mob as jury!

So far gone, they are shocked one might criticise.

Indignant, they say

"this is not the time",

but for them the time will never be right.

Forever moving goal posts, targets redefined, 

comparisons, of course, only made when they're kind. 

The groundwork for this manipulation had already been laid.

The big lie,

democracy rewritten;

Convincing them because they won an election

that continued disagreement is somehow undemocratic, 

as if it is the duty of the opposition to uphold government manifesto?

This is madness!


I mean, -

Utterly divorced from reality,

from the norms and democracy.

How did they arrive at such a batshit interpretation?

It's hard to believe people could be convinced of ideas so antithetical to the purpose parliament.

Truly fearsome manipulation

If we are to expose and oppose these dangerous forces,

we must trace this infection of misinformation to its sources.

Where did they get this distorted idea of democracy? 

Well um, let's see..

- Try from the dispatch box,

from the mouths of government ministers,

not to mention their attack dog media,

shouting that "the country has spoken"

so give up the argument.

Suggestion: opposition should just be token

The House of Commons - further demeaned.

Now just a platform for propaganda.

Another slogan, another catchphrase

from our cartoon Prime Minister.

We always know in crisis 

he'd be utterly useless!

And they, the useful idiots, they sure come in handy,

foot soldiers in the governments fight against scrutiny

- and cannon fodder

in this jingoistic war metaphor 

They can't identify what's in their interest anymore.

"The media has missed the mood of our great country," the flag wavers say.

Apparently we don't want accountability or blame.

Apparently we look at our “apparent success”

in the running for the worst in the world - that is.

In being led by, at the mercy of, the most useless.

Utter kakistocracy!

And apparently that's just fine. 

In all our names they dare to claim we don't want the answers to why,

with the established duty upon governments to prepare for such things,

why so many people avoidably died.

No one will ever make me believe 

government guidance for care homes was driven by anything than their own political reprieve

The one thing that could not be allowed to occur:

the austerity abused NHS could not be seen to fail,

so they arranged for a silent and deadly transfer.

To hide diminished capacity they condemned to death the most vulnerable and frail.

For these people government policy was the final and unnecessary nail

in their lonely coffins.

I’m looking at you,

Butcher Boris, Killer Cummings

and your politically appointed scientists.

Guidance said to discharge even known covid positive patients,

that it could be managed safely- only negligible risk

of spread to vulnerable residents.

I can’t believe any of them believed this. 

It’s contrary to all reason and evidence.

Then the PM and his ministers come out to gas light.

Lie lie LIE and rewrite

history - from only months and weeks ago

like we don’t remember, like we don’t fucking know! 

It hurts, sometimes I feel I can’t stand it.

But I will because I know that’s why they do it,

It’s a technique that uses the painful rift in perception to brow beat us to apathy.

Their performance is the destruction of both minds and democracy

Not just that, it’s been lethal.

Haw can this be forgiven by so many people?

Well, You see, 

In the UK we find ourselves victim of parallel pandemics;

one kills, the other silences, neglected workers and medics. 

Besides the now familiar risks of corona 

there’s this vicious plague of propaganda.

This curve can’t be flattened they’ve already done the damage

critical thinking in the population savaged.

So much money and effort towards these ends

the public groomed so completely they don’t need to defend

Their policy, actions, their fatal failure.

Get them to claim there’s no risk, yet demand teachers be braver?

The intention is for critical thinking to be overwhelmed 

killing off questions about those at the helm

vector State

spreading both devastating epidemics 

those we know to be devoid 

- of even bare minimum ethics

They know there will always be those of us that see clearly and will never be swayed by propaganda.

They don't expect to convince us, they won't try to pander.

Their intention instead is to make us feel this maddening dissonance,

It’s done to reward and validate ignorance.

It’s all about making is so hard we no longer want to see,

it’s to drive us crazy with what the groomed will believe.

This is the despair they seek to engender:

Despair that engulfs, instilling inertia

This is their poisonous agenda:

To destroy the spirit and motivation of those that will never succumb 

to the relentless gaslighting and grooming, that have rendered their supporters dumb.

The filpside of this tactic is to make us numb.

Guidance for managing this virus of lies are as follows:

Stay Angry

Protect Truth

Save Democracy

Even if it is too late for the groomed wake up,

I beg you - 

I beg you, don’t give up.